Workshop 2 – The Swingy Slouch Hat – is published on Ravelry! Swing-Knitting™ Workshop 2 with the Swingy Slouch Hat is online on Ravelry since today!
Swing-Knitting™ Workshop 1 – the Swingy Wristlet – is published on Ravelry Workshop 1 is published on Ravelry! I just published Workshop 1 with the Swingy Wristlet on Ravelry. You can get it here – even if you are not a Revelry member.
WELCOME! Welcome to the International platform of Swing-Knitting™! First I’ll give you some information about this extraordinary and thrilling way of knitting. Then I’ll give you some information about the Swing-Knitting™ Workshops. For every workshop there will be a forum “Questions and Answers”. And I promise: We’ll have a real lot of fun learning and practising the Swing-Knitting™!