Workshop 4 “Swingy Playground Wrap” is online!
In Workshop 4 we knit the cuddly Playground Wrap step by step.
And of course you’ll learn a lot:
- The knitting melody: ideas, possibilities, inspirations
- The pause: ideas, possibilities, inspirations
- Different possibilities for beginning and finale
- Rules of thumb for an esthetic design, especially for clothing
- Composition of the Swingy Playground Wrap
This wrap is called “Playground” because we’ll play with different knitting melodies. It is not only a cuddly wrap but at the same time a sampler of nine different knitting melodies! I already used it as a proper alternative for a cardigan :).
With 77 pages and 40 coloured illustrations it will leave no questions, I hope :). After every knitting stanza you’ll get the correct positions of the safety pins so you can compare your knitting to mine. And for every stanza you’ll get a description what “happens”.
And now I’ll tell you why the publishing of this workshop was delayed: In knitting melody 6 – quite at the start of shawl 2 – I made a knitting mistake si that my positions of pins weren’t correct. So my test knitters found out. What did this mean? We had to calculate each stanza and each pin position (a really hard and exhausting task), frog and knit anew – it’s your right to get a pattern without faults!
My VERY special thanks to Nada and Baba who did this lot of work all by themselves in order to give me the time and brains to work on the next projects!
Workshop 4 you can buy in my Ravelry shop:
for $ 15.90 as PDF download, 77 pages with 40 colored illustrations
Have fun reading and swing-knitting™!
I am enjoying these workshops immensely!! I’ve done #3 and am working throught #4. I Know I have a lot to learn but I am really interested in the “flame” technique that I have seen in some of the pictures posted to the ravelry group.
When will you be including flames in your workshops? I’m really looking forward to it.
Patricia Ross
Hi Patricia,
– please be patient. As soon as I am ready with my tenancy changeover, I’ll work on Workshop 5, and then 6 …….. :).
I’m glad you enjoy my workshops!
The flame technique is a quite advanded way to use short rows – Birgit or I certainly will write a workshop on it, but I can’t tell you exactly when this will be, sorry.
Before this technique you will certainly learn other thrilling ways to swing-knit
There’s a lot of plans in my head, and thanks for your patience.